Last updated: 2024-06-01
These Terms of Service (hereinafter, the "Agreement") form a legal document applicable to the Service Recipient in all cases where the Service Recipient subscribes to, uses the Services provided by the Service Provider, including the use of the additional integration Services.
By ordering and using the Services, including the additional integration Services, the Service Recipient undertakes to comply in full with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Website Privacy Policy and the Rules. In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and the Rules, the terms of this Agreement shall apply.
Article 1. Terms and Definitions
1.1. Service Provider means OVOKO UAB, registration number 304401253, registered address Žirmūnų g. 70-701, LT-09124 Vilnius.
1.2. Service Recipient means the person who subscribes to, uses the Services provided by the Service Provider.
1.3. Parties means the Service Provider and the Service Recipient.
1.4. Website means the website(s) and online store(s) managed by the Service Provider where the Service Recipient’s Products are represented and sold.
1.5. Business Management System means a specialized online system in which the Service Recipient uploads the information on Products that it wants to account for, store, price and/or sell.
1.6. Products mean products owned by the Service Recipient that it has uploaded or intends to upload to the Business Management System.
1.7. Services mean representation and intermediation services provided by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient during the sale of Products on the Website and provision of access to the Business Management System. The Service Provider provides the Service Recipient with automated services of export/import of the Service Recipient’s Products, which are managed in the Business Management System, to/from other sales systems.
1.8. Buyer means a natural or legal person who has purchased the Products on the Website or in other stores of the Service Provider’s partners and stores of third parties in Lithuania and/or abroad.
1.9. Order means information provided to the Service Recipient after the Buyer has paid for the selected Products on the Website on the basis of which payments are being made, delivery of the Products is being performed, accounting and control of the Products is carried out, etc.
1.10. Contingency Fee means an intermediation fee for the Products sold on the Website or Products otherwise sold with the assistance of the Service Provider.
1.11. Delivery means delivery of sold Products to the Buyer.
1.12. Delivery Fee means a fee paid to the delivery company for the delivery of the Products.
1.13. Deposit Account means an account of the Service Provider to which money for Products is transferred.
1.14. Money Collection Fee means bank transfer fee, fee for bank intermediaries, credit card fee, cash collection fee paid to a courier, and other additional applicable fees paid in order to receive the payment from the Buyer. These fees may vary depending on the country of residence of the Buyer and the chosen method of payment and depending on whether the fee is calculated as a percentage or is charged as a specific amount.
1.15. Seller means the owner of the Products.
1.16. PFP (Price for Product) means the price of the product being sold which was specified by the Seller.
1.17. Additional Integration Services mean a monthly fee for the integration of advertisements in the Service Recipient’s accounts in the Business Management System, ebay.co.uk, ebay.de, ebay.com, allegro.pl or other platforms.
Article 2. Subject Matter of the Agreement
2.1. Under this Agreement, the Service Provider undertakes to provide the Service Recipient with the Services specified in the Agreement, i.e., represent the Products on the Website, intermediate in the sales of the Products on the Website, and provide access to the Business Management System, and the Service Recipient undertakes to pay the Service Provider a fee for these Services in accordance with a procedure established in this Agreement.
2.2. This Agreement sets out the general terms and conditions for the provision of the Services. Additional terms and conditions, deadlines, and price for the provision of specific Services are specified in the annexes to the Agreement, which are considered an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 3. Procedure for the Provision and Acceptance of the Services
3.1. The Parties agree that the Website and the Business Management System are considered to be working properly if they can be used 90% of the time.
3.2. The Service Provider undertakes to eliminate the disruptions in the provision of the Services on the Website free of charge and within the shortest possible time, but not later than within seven (7) business days from the occurrence of the disruption, except in cases where these disruptions cannot be eliminated due to force majeure or omissions or actions of third parties or the Service Recipient.
3.3. The Service Recipient undertakes to submit to the Service Provider all the material required for the provision of the Services in the formats and within deadlines specified by the Service Provider, and the Service Provider undertakes to accept this duly submitted material. If the material is submitted incorrectly, the Service Provider has the right not to accept such material and the Service Recipient must correct it at its own expense.
3.4. The Service Recipient allows the Service Provider to modify the submitted material at the Service Provider’s discretion.
3.5. The Parties agree that the Products uploaded to the Business Management System will be sold on the Website and, at the Service Provider’s discretion, on any other (one, several or all) website of the Service Provider’s partners, i.e., eBay.co.uk, eBay.de, eBay.com, eBay.fr, eBay.it, eBay.es, allegro.pl.
Article 4. Rights and obligations of the Parties
4.1. When performing this Agreement, the Parties undertake to act in accordance with the principles of good faith and cooperation.
4.2. Obligations of the Service Recipient
4.2.1. The Service Recipient undertakes to provide the material in a timely manner and in an appropriate format and to create conditions for the Service Provider to fulfil its obligations under the Agreement.
4.2.2. The Service Recipient undertakes to make every effort to protect the Service Provider from any third-party claims and requirements, possible losses or damage related to the rights to the Products and the sale, transfer, or return of the Products to the Buyer under this Agreement. In the event that such claims or requirements are made by a third party against the Service Provider, the Service Recipient undertakes to make every effort to resolve such claims or requirements. In the event of failure to resolve such claims and/or in the event of loss or damage suffered by the Service Provider, the Service Recipient undertakes to immediately indemnify the Service Provider for all losses incurred.
4.2.3. The Service Recipient is responsible for the quality of the Products and must ensure the proper fulfilment of the obligations to the Buyer, which arise from this Agreement. After selling the Products, the Service Recipient must indicate in the Business Management System that the Products have been sold or otherwise disposed of in order to prevent the re-sale of the same Products.
4.2.4. The Service Recipient understands that the security of its system depends directly on the security of its login password, and therefore it is responsible for the protection of its password and cannot disclose it to third parties.
4.2.5. The Service Recipient understands that the responsibility for the fictitious Order rests with it if the Buyer chooses to pay in cash when acquiring the Product.
4.2.6. Before sending the Products subject to 0% VAT, the Seller must make sure that the information provided by the Buyer is correct and that he/she/it is entitled to a VAT relief.
4.3. The Service Recipient has the right to:
4.3.1. demand the temporary suspension of the representation of the Product, which is in the Business Management System, on the Website until the Buyer purchases the Product.
4.3.2. check how the Service Provider fulfills its obligations and to submit comments in writing. In the absence of any comments and/or claims from the Service Recipient, the Service Provider shall be deemed to have duly provided the Services under this Agreement.
4.3.3. sell the Products independently without the assistance of the Service Provider, partners, or third parties.
4.4. The Service Provider undertakes to cooperate with the Service Recipient for the purpose of providing the Services and, upon the written request of the Service Recipient, to check together with it the quality of the Services, deadlines, and other terms and conditions and to correct the Services that do not meet the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
4.5. The Service Provider has the right to:
4.5.1. Refuse to sell the Service Recipient represented on the Website or temporarily remove them from the Website if incorrect information, poor customer service and other actions directly or indirectly damaging the Website and/or its reputation are observed. The Service Provider shall resume the provision of the Services to the Service Recipient when all the circumstances that were the basis for suspending the provision of the Services disappear or are eliminated.
4.5.2. Suspend the provision of Services to the Service Recipient if it is required to do so in accordance with the laws and other legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and court decisions and if the content of the information uploaded by the Service Recipient does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, violates public order, good morals, or the rights of third parties.
4.5.3. Suspend the provision of the Services to the Service Recipient if its actions endanger the operation of the Service Provider’s electronic communications network, its security, and integrity and/or unreasonably restrict the access of other persons to the Service Provider’s services and if this is absolutely necessary for the technical maintenance of the Website and in other necessary cases.
4.5.4. Suspend the provision of the Services to the Service Recipient if it fails to pay in full and on time all or part of the amount specified in the annex to the Agreement agreed on by the Parties and in other cases specified in legislation.
4.5.5. Round the prices specified by the Service Recipient to the nearest integer if the prices are in currencies other than the local currency of the Service Recipient’s country. In such a case, the difference shall be left to the Service Recipient and shall be taxed in accordance with the procedure established in this Agreement.
4.5.6. Provide the same or similar services to other service recipients.
4.6. The provision of the Services shall be suspended on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 4.5.1–4.5.4 Of this Agreement without prior notice to the Service Recipient. In such a case, the Service Provider undertakes to inform the Service Recipient about the reasons for the suspension of the provision of the Services within one (1) business day from the beginning of the suspension of the provision of the Services. The Service Provider shall resume the provision of the Services of the previous volume when all the circumstances that were the basis for the suspension of the provision of the Services disappear or are eliminated.
4.7. As the Service Provider is authorized to negotiate and/or conclude sales agreements on behalf and at the expense of the Service Recipient, the Service Provider shall collect the amounts paid by the Buyers for the benefit of the Service Recipient and periodically transfer these amounts to the Service Recipient if there shall be no grounds to return these amounts to the Buyers. The Buyer shall be deemed to have paid for the Products from the moment the paid funds reach the Service Provider’s account.
Article 5. Representations and warranties of the Service Recipient
5.1. The Service Recipient represents and warrants that:
5.1.1. all submitted material is true and accurate in its content, form, visual composition, does not contradict generally accepted ethical and moral norms and valid legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, does not violate rights and legitimate interests of third parties, does not incite discrimination or otherwise violate acceptable societal standards.
5.1.2. all submitted material or data carriers containing such material do not endanger the security or proper functioning of the Website or database (programs or documents are free of viruses and damages, etc.).
5.1.3. the Seller has all rights, consents and/or authorisations to transfer the material to the Service Provider for the purpose of providing the Services and such transfer and use of the material does not infringe any rights or legitimate interests of third parties.
5.1.4. The persons concluding the Agreement on behalf of the Service Recipient (legal entity) shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Service Recipient.
5.2. If after the conclusion of this Agreement it turns out that at least one of the Service Provider’s representations and warranties does not correspond to reality, the Service Recipient undertakes to take all necessary actions and/or actions required by the Service Provider to resolve all related issues and compensate the Service Provider and third parties for all related losses.
5.3. If this Agreement is entered into on behalf of the Service Recipient (legal entity), the Service Recipient confirms that the person entering into the Agreement on behalf of the Service Recipient has full authority and rights to represent the Service Recipient (legal entity) and to enter into the Agreement on its behalf, and to assume the rights and obligations arising out of this Agreement. If this Agreement is concluded on behalf of the Service Recipient by the Service Recipient’s employee who is not authorised or does not have the right to represent the Service Recipient, or by a person acting on other grounds, the Service Recipient undertakes to comply fully with this Agreement, the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and shall be fully liable for any damage arising or likely to arise to the Service Provider or to third parties as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement, the non-performance of the Agreement, or improper performance thereof.
Article 6. Intellectual property and confidentiality
6.1. The Service Recipient undertakes to observe the obligation of confidentiality and not to disclose to third parties the information provided to it or otherwise received during the performance of this Agreement about the Business Management System, its operating principles, and possibilities and other information. If the Service Recipient violates this provision of the Agreement, the Service Recipient shall compensate the Service Provider for the direct and indirect losses.
6.2. Any information relating to this Agreement, its conclusion, and performance must be treated as confidential. The Parties agree to observe the principle of confidentiality with respect to this Agreement and not to disclose to any third party any information obtained or otherwise made known in the course of the conclusion and performance of the Agreement, except where required by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or for the purposes of the performance of the Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other Party. The Party in breach of the confidentiality obligation must compensate the other Party for the losses incurred.
6.3. The Website is created, maintained, and developed by the Service Provider. All intellectual property rights to the Website (as a software solution) and its content (including individual parts thereof) belong to the Service Provider and are protected by laws governing intellectual property. Under no circumstances shall the Service Recipient acquire any intellectual property rights to the Website and/or its content. No textual, graphic, or other material (part thereof) provided/represented on the Website may be copied, reproduced, modified, distributed, made available to the public via computer networks or otherwise made public and/or used in any other way without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.
6.4. If any objects of copyright, related rights and/or other intellectual property rights are created during the performance of the Agreement and the provision of the Services, all author’s property and/or other intellectual property rights to these objects shall be transferred and shall belong exclusively to the Service Provider from the moment of transfer of Services and/or their results. Such rights shall be transferred to the Service Provider without any geographical, time, or other limits, including, but not limited to, the right to publish, distribute for a fee or free of charge, use for the Service Provider’s activities and/or for the promotion of any products and/or services, reproduce in any form and/or manner, modify or adapt, use in any other work and use it for its own business (commercial) purposes and for any other purposes in any manner and form deemed necessary by the Service Provider.
Article 7. Termination of the Agreement
7.1. This Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Service Provider by notifying the Service Recipient in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior to the planned termination date, when:
7.1.1. in the cases provided for in paragraphs 4.5.1–4.5.4 of the Agreement, the Service Provider suspends the provision of the Services and the Service Recipient does not eliminate all the circumstances due to which the provision of the Services was suspended within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the suspension of the provision of the Services.
7.1.2. the Service Recipient does not provide all the material required for the provision of the Services on time or submits material that does not meet the requirements as specified in paragraph 4.2.1 of the Agreement and does not remedy this breach within seven (7) calendar days from the date of receipt of the written request from the Service Provider.
7.1.3. the Service Recipient is more than thirty (30) calendar days late in paying all or part of the amount specified in the annex to the Agreement.
7.2. This Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Service Recipient by notifying the Service Provider in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior to the planned termination date when the Service Provider fails to perform its essential obligations under this Agreement, i.e., provides the Services breaching the requirements established for the provision of the Services and specified in this Agreement or legislation and does not remedy the breach of the Agreement within seven (7) days after the receipt of the Service Recipient’s claim regarding the performance of the Agreement.
7.3. In cases other than those specified in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2, either Party wishing to terminate the Agreement must notify the other Party in writing one month before the expiry of the Agreement.
Article 8. Liability
8.1. The Service Provider shall not be liable to the Service Recipient for the disruption of the provision of the Service if such disruption is caused by the acts or omissions of third parties or the Service Recipient.
8.2. A Party breaching the Agreement or improperly fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement shall, at the request of the other Party, indemnify the other Party for the losses incurred as a result of such breach or improper fulfilment of obligations.
8.3. The Parties agree that in any case the maximum liability of the Service Provider to the Service Recipient in connection with the provision of the Services shall be limited to the amount paid by the Service Recipient to the Service Provider for the Services the provision of which was the Service Provider’s responsibility, unless the liability has arisen due to the Service Provider’s fault or gross negligence.
8.4. If the Services have been provided to the Service Recipient at a discount, upon termination of the Agreement by the Service Provider on the grounds provided for in paragraph 7.1 (one of the grounds), the Service Recipient must return to the Service Provider the amount of the discount received during the entire period of performance of the Agreement. The Parties agree that the amount of the discount referred to in this paragraph shall also include the value of all additional services provided to the Service Recipient. The amount of the discount specified in this paragraph shall be considered as the minimum losses of the Service Provider which shall not be required to be proven. The Service Recipient must pay the full amount of the discount no later than within seven (7) calendar days from the receipt of the written request from the Service Provider.
8.5. Liability for breaches of confidentiality obligations is provided for in paragraph 6.1 of this Agreement.
8.6. In the event of termination of this Agreement, the Service Recipient shall in all cases pay in full for the Services actually provided and reimburse other costs actually incurred by the Service Provider.
Article 9. Force Majeure
9.1. The Parties shall not be liable for partial or full failure to fulfil the obligations specified in this Agreement if they are able to prove that such failure was due to force majeure. In such a case, the Parties must immediately notify each other of the occurrence of such circumstances and the probable duration thereof.
Article 10. General Provisions
10.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its conclusion and shall remain in force indefinitely, unless the Service Provider presents a new Agreement to take the place of the old Agreement and the old Agreement ceases to have legal force or presents an Annex to the Agreement. The Service Provider must inform the Service Recipient in writing or by e-mail about the amendment of the Agreement or submission or amendment of the annex to the Agreement.
10.2. The Service Provider shall have the right to amend and/or supplement this Agreement unilaterally. The amended or supplemented version of the Agreement shall be republished on the Website. This Agreement, its amendments and supplements, all annexes to the Agreement and other documents concluded for the purposes of performing this Agreement shall be considered an integral part of this Agreement.
10.3. All notices, requests and claims relating to this Agreement shall be made by e-mail.
10.4. The Service Recipient undertakes not to transfer and/or assign to a third party any rights, obligation and/or requirements arising from this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.
10.5. This Agreement is made in the English language and shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Disputes arising out of the Agreement shall be resolved by way of negotiation. If the Parties shall fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be referred to a court which has jurisdiction in the territory where the Service Provider’s has its registered office.
Article 11. Processing of personal data
11.1. Ovoko, UAB (registration No. 304401253) operating at Žirmūnų g. 70-701, LT-09124 Vilnius is a data controller and processes the personal data of the Service Recipient for the following purposes:
11.1.1. The personal data provided by the Service Recipient in this Agreement, data related to the fulfilment of its terms and conditions, and other necessary data shall be processed for the purpose of concluding and performing this Agreement. Personal data shall be processed for the purpose of concluding and performing this Agreement in accordance with subparagraph Article 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Personal data are necessary for the conclusion and performance of this Agreement. Without personal data the Agreement cannot be concluded and performed. Personal data shall be stored for 3 (three) years after the end of the Agreement.
11.1.2. Data specified in the accounting documents, i.e., name, surname, number of self-employment certificate, data related to the economic operation, and other necessary data are processed for the purpose of accounting. Personal data are processed in accordance with the requirements of accounting legislation applied to Ovoko, UAB on the basis of Article 6 (1) (c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and stored for 10 (ten) years from the end of the calendar year in which the economic operation took place.
11.1.3. Ovoko, UAB processes personal data specified in sent, received, and internal documents for the purpose of document management. Personal data are processed in order to comply with the legal requirements applicable to Ovoko, UAB and for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller, i.e., to properly organize activities, exchange information with other institutions, companies, organizations, or individuals, and preserve evidence of company’s activities, in accordance with Article 6 (1) (c) and (f) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Personal data shall be stored for 10 years or for a different period of time specified in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
11.1.4. Ovoko, UAB processes e-mail address and/or telephone numbers, information about orders placed, IP address, browsing data, and other necessary data for the purpose of direct marketing (in order to send newsletters, ask for opinions on Products and services, display advertising to website visitors). Personal data are processed on the basis of a consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Ovoko, UAB, i.e., to improve the quality of products and services taking into account clients’ expectations, in accordance with Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 69 (2) of the Law on Electronic Communications Ac. Personal data shall be stored for 5 years or until the person withdraws his/her consent or objects to the processing of personal data. The Service Recipient may object to the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing without stating the reasons for the objection by submitting a written statement at the time of concluding this Agreement or at any time later by clicking the opt-out link in the direct marketing e-mails sent or by contacting Ovoko, UAB at the addresses specified in this Agreement.
11.1.5. Ovoko, UAB processes and publishes on its websites and social network accounts images of persons, feedback on company’s activities, and other personal data that the person agrees to provide for the specified purposes for the purposes of publicity and advertising of the company’s activities. Personal data shall be processed on the basis of consent in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 until there is a need to publish the information, whose relevancy must be reviewed at least every 2 years, or until the consent is revoked.
11.1.6. Personal data related to the use of the Business Management System and other information and communication technology resources provided by Ovoko, UAB (connection date and time, IP address, actions performed, other necessary data) are processed for the purpose of ensuring the security of information systems and personal data being processed. Personal data are processed for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Ovoko, UAB, i.e., to ensure the security of information systems and personal data in order to comply with the requirements of applicable legislation and recommendations of the supervisory authority in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) and Article 32 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and shall be stored for 6 months.
11.1.7. Ovoko, UAB records calls to customer service telephone numbers for the purpose of ensuring the quality of service and in order to have evidence of communication that may cause legal issues. Personal data are processed in order to ensure the legitimate interests of Ovoko, UAB, i.e., to ensure high-quality service and to objectively resolve disputes with callers, in accordance with subparagraph Article 6 (1) (f) and Article 32 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Article 61 (2) of the Law on Electronic Communications. The call record and related data (date, time) shall be stored for 1 month.
11.2. Ovoko, UAB may process personal data for other purposes to the extent necessary to carry out its activities in a lawful way, to comply with legal requirements, to defend itself against claims and actions, and to protect the legitimate interests of the company.
11.3. Ovoko, UAB shall provide personal data to the state institutions performing inspections of the company’s activities, other state institutions, and other third parties to whom the company is obliged to provide personal data according to legislation. If necessary, personal data may be provided to courts and law enforcement authorities. Ovoko, UAB may use services of persons (data processors) who are providing hardware and software maintenance and support, data canters, and other services and to whom personal data or access to personal data will be provided. The aforementioned service providers shall process personal data on behalf of Ovoko, UAB and in accordance with its instructions.
11.4. The Service Recipient has the following rights which can be exercised in accordance with Articles 15–20 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679: right to request Ovoko, UAB to allow to access to the processed personal data; right to request to rectify incorrect or inaccurate data or complete incomplete data; right to request to erase personal data (‘right to be forgotten’);right to request to restrict the processing of personal data; right to request to transmit personal data to another data controller or submit it directly to the Service Recipient in a machine-readable format (right to data portability); right to object to the processing of personal data where the personal data is processed for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the company or a third party (the Service Recipient must indicate the reasons related with its specific case) or where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes (in which case the Service Recipient has the right to object to the processing of personal data without providing any the reasons); right to submit a complaint to the State Data Protection Inspectorate (L. Sapiegos g. 17, 10312 Vilnius, www.vdai.lrv.lt) or to a supervisory authority in another Member State of the European Union where the Service Recipient has a permanent residence or place of work (list of supervisory authorities: https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/about-edpb/members_lt#member-lt), or to apply to court regarding a compensation for damages if the Service Recipient considers that personal data are being processed by breaching the law.
11.5. In order to be able to exercise its/his/her rights, the Service Recipient must submit a request and confirm its identity. The request must specify which of the above rights and to what extent the Service Provider wishes to exercise. The Service Recipient can confirm its/his/her identity in the following ways: by submitting the request in person and by presenting an identity document; by submitting an application by post together with a notarised copy of an identity document or a copy of this document certified in accordance with another procedure established by legislation; by submitting the request electronically and signing it with a qualified electronic signature or by drawing up the request by electronic means that allow to ensure the integrity and irreplaceability of the text or otherwise allow Ovoko, UAB to verify the identity of the data subject. The requirement to confirm one’s identity does not apply if the Service Recipient requests information on the processing of personal data in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. If Ovoko, UAB shall have doubts about the identity or if the identity cannot be verified on the basis of the information provided in the request, Ovoko, UAB may request additional information necessary to verify the identity of the data subject with certainty.
11.6. In order to receive more information about the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights, the Service Recipient may contact Ovoko, UAB at the addresses specified in this Agreement.
Annex 1 to the Agreement
Fee | Fee amount |
* Contingency Fee |
10% (of the PFP) + ** Money Collection Fee 15% (of the PFP) + ** Money Collection Fee (if the sellers status on platform is “Below Standard”) |
Additional services (optional) | Integrated ads (pcs) | Fee amount | Application of the fee |
Additional Integration Services mean the integration of advertisements in the Service Recipient’s accounts in the Business Management System, ebay.co.uk, ebay.de, ebay.com or other platforms. |
1–1,000 | 50 EUR/month | 1 time per month for the previous month |
1,001–5,000 | 100 EUR/month | ||
5,001 and more | 150 EUR/month | ||
Additional equipment and its rental fee | |||
PrintHUB printer equipment fee (Annex Nr. 5 - 2.) | 10 EUR/month | ||
Penalties and other fees | |||
Additional fees for damaging other shipments (Annex Nr. 3 - 1.6.) | Courier company fee | ||
Improper packaging and preparation (Annex Nr. 3 - 1.7.) | 50 Eur / first time | ||
Providing false data about shipments (Annex Nr. 3 - 1.10.) | Courier company fee | ||
Choosing the wrong part category (Annex Nr. 3 - 4.4.) | Courier company fee |
*Contingency Fee means an intermediation fee for the Products sold on the Website or Products otherwise sold with the assistance of the Service Provider.
**Money Collection Fee means bank transfer fee, fee for bank intermediaries, credit card fee, cash collection fee paid to a courier, and other additional applicable fees paid in order to receive the payment from the Buyer. These fees may vary depending on the country of residence of the Buyer and the chosen method of payment and depending on whether the fee is calculated as a percentage or is charged as a specific amount.
The prices specified in Annex 1 to the Agreement are without VAT.
Annex 2 to the Agreement
Payment Procedure
- The Parties agree that the price of the Services shall be indicated in the VAT invoice issued by the Service Provider, which the Service Recipient must pay within ten (10) days from the date of issuing the invoice.
- In cases where the Services were not provided due to the fault of the Service Recipient, the Service Recipient must pay the VAT invoice submitted by the Service Provider for that period.
- The Service Provider must pay to Service Recipient for the Products sold in the system by transferring to the Service Recipient the full amount received from the Buyer.
- Once a month, in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph 1 of the Annex to this Agreement, the Service Recipient shall pay the Service Provider for the services according to the invoice which was submitted to it and which includes the Contingency Fee, administrative integration fee, Money Collection Fee, Delivery Fee and other fees specified in Annex 1 to the Agreement.
- The Service Recipient agrees that the money for the Products sold via the Website and other sales channels selected by the Service Provider shall first be credited to the Deposit Account.
- Payment for the Products sold under this Agreement shall be made three times a month by paying for the Products that were sold not earlier than ten (10) business days ago. The Service Provider shall transfer the money to the Service Recipient.
- The Service Provider has the right not to transfer the amount for the sold Product(s) to the Service Recipient if the Buyer has expressed a wish to return the Product within fourteen (14) business days of its purchase. The Service Provider has the right not to transfer the amount for the sold Product(s) to the Service Recipient until the reasons for the return are being clarified and a compromise is found. The Service Provider determines the terms and conditions and rules for the return of the Products to the Service Recipient, and the Service Recipient must comply with them. The Service Provider has the right to return to the Buyer the money paid for the Products after the Products have been returned to the Service Recipient and there are no circumstances that do not allow to process the refund.
- If either Party is late in paying under this Agreement, such Party shall pay to the other Party a penalty interest of 0.04% (four hundredths of a percent) on the amount due for each day of delay starting from the fifth day of delay.
- The Service Provider has the right not to pay the Service Recipient for the sold Products if the Service Recipient has a debt according to the invoices issued to it, until all standing debts are paid off.
- The Service Provider shall collect the Delivery Fee from the Buyer and transfer it to the Service Recipient together with the money received for the Products.
- The Service Recipient shall pay the Service Provider for the delivery of the Products and for other services provided to it according to the invoice submitted to it.
Annex 3 to the Agreement
Rules for Working with the Business Management System
- Delivery
1.1. The Service Provider enables the Service Recipient to use the automated Product delivery function which the Seller must use in the event of a sale of the Products via the Website. The Service Provider also enables the Buyers to pick up the Products at the address of the Service Recipient after paying for the Products in advance. If the Buyer chooses this delivery method, the Service Recipient must make sure that the Products are handed over to the Buyer who placed the order.
1.2. The Service Recipient is responsible that the Product is scanned and entered into the system of the delivery service provider when handing over the Product to a courier or a representative of the company providing delivery services who was contacted via the Business Management System. Otherwise, the Products may be deemed not to have been sent or handed over to the delivery service provider.
1.3. The Service Recipient understands that in case of sale of the Product via the Website, it must contact the courier using the Business Management System and change the status of the Product, thus informing the Buyer about the status of the Order.
1.4. The Service Recipient undertakes to send the Products to the Buyer within the shortest possible time, but not later than within one (1) business day from the moment of selling the Products to the Buyer. In case of systematic violation of this paragraph, i.e., if during the last 30 (thirty) days the Service Recipient overdue order rate exceeds 20%, the Service Provider shall have the right to stop representing the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the nonconformities specified by the Service Provider have been eliminated and Service Recipient can process orders without interruptions. An exception to this clause may be applied when the order is delayed for reasons beyond the control of the Service Recipient:
- The fault of the courier and the delay in collecting the order
- Waiting for a response or clarification from the Buyer
- It is not possible to get parcel shipment labels
1.5. The Service Recipient has the right to use the “holiday mode” at its own discretion. In the Business Management System, the Service Recipient can indicate that the Products will be shipped no earlier than after the end of the “holiday mode” which lasts for a period of time specified by the Service Recipient. In this case, the Service Provider will display this information on the Website next to the Products, thus warning potential Buyers about the specific terms of dispatch of the Products. The Service Recipient has the right to use vacation mode for a period of 15 (fifteen) days, in case where vacation mode is set for longer period, Service Provider has the right to stop to represent the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the Service Recipient is able to fulfill orders. Service Recipient is also responsible for fulfilling any pending orders before setting vacation mode.
1.6. The Service Recipient is responsible for the proper packaging of the Products and is liable for any losses, damage, or loss resulting from improper fulfillment of this obligation. Proper packaging is such that makes it is impossible to access and damage the contents of the consignment without damaging the packaging. The packaging must protect the contents of the consignment from possible damage during transport and sorting and must be safe, i.e., it must not endanger the environment (people, other consignments, etc.) and it must not contain any liquids that could spill into the environment or damage other shipments. The Service Recipient must make sure that all oils, fuel or other liquids are completely drained and the shipped Product is isolated from further penetration of such liquids, failing to do so, Service Recipient assumes full responsibility for additional costs, and the representation of the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website will be stopped until the nonconformities specified by the Service Provider have been eliminated.
Services recipient must follow Service Provider’s recommendations for shipping and handling of packages: LINK
1.7. The Service Recipient undertakes to use only those materials that are intended for packing and shipping the Products and pack according to Service Provider’s recommendations and rules of the company which provides logistic services. The use of any materials not intended for packing or shipping is strictly prohibited, e.g., vehicle thermal insulation materials, sound insulation materials, car seat materials, used clothing, garbage etc. Failure to comply with this paragraph shall result in a fine of EUR 50 for the first breach, a fine of EUR 100 for the second breach, a fine of EUR 200 for the third breach, and blocking of the Products on the Website for 7 days for the fourth breach. If this paragraph is breached for the fifth time, the Service Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement (with no consequences for the Service Provider) by notifying the Service Recipient three (3) business days in advance. The Service Recipient must ensure that packaging of the right size will be used, using too large packages for small items may complicate transportation problems and additional costs may be applied to the Service Recipient.
1.8. The Service Provider shall collect the Delivery Fee from the Buyer regardless of the chosen delivery method.
1.9. The Service Provider shall transfer the Delivery Fee to the Service Recipient together with the collected money for the sold Products in accordance with the same terms and conditions that apply to the payment for the Products sold.
1.10. The Service Recipient undertakes to provide accurate and correct measurements for each packaged package intended for shipment. In the event that the Service Provider or designated shipping service provider determines that the provided measurements are inaccurate or intentionally misrepresented, the Service Recipient undertakes to cover and compensate for all losses related to the transportation of such shipments.
1.11. The Service Recipient must ensure that all packaging photos accurately match the contents of each order. It is strictly forbidden to reuse or falsify photos for different orders.
1.12. The Service Recipient has the right to use additional system functionality and send personal shipments using the "Personal Shipments" module, in case of difference between the displayed and actual shipping price, the Service Recipient will be charged additionally according to the actual shipping price.
1.13. In the case of damage to the shipment, the Service Provider undertakes to submit claims only if the Service Recipient has fulfilled all the conditions for the following procedure:
- Before sending the Product, the Service Recipient must upload a photo of the packaging to the business management system.
Photos of the packaging must meet the requirements:
- The Product is photographed
- Product is packed with visible padding material
- Final appearance of the shipment.
- Overall package picture with possible to identify shipping label data
- When packing the shipment, the Service Recipient must follow the rules for packing the shipments specified in points 1.6. And 1.7.
- Claims are not submitted for personal shipments
- Information about package damage must be provided no later than within 14 calendar days from the return of the Product
- Returns
2.1. For all Products sold on the Website, the Service Recipient must provide a return guarantee of at least 14 days, which is calculated from the next day of delivery of the Products to the Buyer. If the Service Provider sells the Products of the Service Recipient additionally on other sales channels, e.g., eBay.co.uk, a 30-day return guarantee must be provided calculating from the moment of delivery of the Products to the final Buyer.
2.2. The return of the Products must be initiated and paid by the Buyer, i.e., the Buyer itself/himself/herself must deliver the Products at its/his/her own expense or the delivery of the Products to the Service Recipient must be organized by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall return the money for the returned Product and the amount paid by the Buyer to receive this specific Product from the Deposit Account to the Buyer. By mutual agreement between the Buyer, the Service Provider, and the Service Recipient, the Buyer may not be paid the full amount for the Products, e.g., only compensation for damages that occurred during transportation can be paid.
2.3. The Service Recipient must take action within two (2) business days from the delivery/return of the returned Products (the deadline is calculated from the moment of delivery of the Products to the Service Recipient or its employees) and confirm the return or indicate the reasons for disagreement with the return in the Business Management System. Otherwise, the Service Provider shall have the right to refund the money to the Buyer for the returned Products at its own discretion.
2.4. In the event of a disagreement between the Buyer and the Service Recipient regarding the returned Products, the final decision on the return shall be made by the Service Provider.
2.5. The Service Provider reserves the right not to return the Product received from the Buyer to the Service Recipient if this is not economically viable for the Service Provider to do so, i.e., the return administration and/or Product delivery costs exceed the value of the Product. In this case, the Service Provider shall reimburse the Service Recipient for all or part of the price of the Product under a separate agreement.
2.6. The Service Recipient undertakes to make every effort to ensure that all Products sold by it are of high quality and fit for use and that the information provided about the Products is correct and accurate. If the number of returned Orders exceeds 5.5 percent in the last 30 (thirty) days (calculation formula: returned Products in the last 30 days because of Service Recipient’s fault / all sold Products in the last 30 days = percentage of returned products), the Service Provider marks that Service Recipient account does not meet minimum requirements and assigns account as “Below Standard”, resulting all orders being charged 15% PFP. If the Service Recipient does not improve his status within 90 days, the Service Provider may suspend the representation of the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the Service Recipient eliminates the most common reasons for returning its Products. If the Service Recipient repeatedly systematically breaches this paragraph, the Service Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement (with no consequences for the Service Provider) by notifying the Service Recipient thereof three (3) business days in advance.
The following reasons for return are considered as the fault of the Service Recipient:
- The Product is not working
- The quality of the Product is not satisfactory
- The Product did not match the description
- Damaged during transit
- I did not receive the item
- I received the wrong item
- Service
3.1. The Service Recipient understands that after selling the Product via the Website, it must have the Product in stock and deliver it to the Buyer. In the event of any problems, the Service Recipient must immediately inform the Buyer and find a compromise.
3.2. The Service Provider must answer to the inquiries received by e-mail or by other means about the Products sold on the Website as soon as possible, but not later than within one (1) business day from the receipt of the inquiry.
3.3 In the Business Management System, the Service Provider must automatically create a sales invoice for each Product Order and a credit invoice in case of return of the Product and/or cancellation of the Order. The Service Recipient must submit the invoice and/or credit invoice to the Buyer. The Service Provider reserves the right to forward such invoices in an automated manner or upon a separate Buyer’s request to the Buyer’s e-mail address specified in the Order. The Service Recipient is responsible for properly accounting for these invoices in accordance with the accounting standards, laws, and regulations in force in its country.
3.4. The Service Recipient is fully responsible for the represented information about the sold Products, their condition, completion, quality, and price. In the event of a dispute between the Buyer and the Service Recipient regarding the inaccuracy of the provided information or the quality of the Product, the Service Recipient undertakes to make every effort to resolve such dispute as expeditiously and peacefully as possible. The Service Recipient undertakes to make all necessary efforts and use all necessary resources to ensure that in the event of such a dispute the reputation and image of the Service Provider are not adversely affected.
3.5. The Service Recipient undertakes not to sell directly to visitors outside of the platform (i.e. not using the Website) in cases where Website visitors contact the Service Recipient using the contacts indicated on the Product page. The Service Provider reserves the right to charge a success fee for such orders.
3.6. The Service Recipient's contact number on the website can be replaced with the Service Provider's phone number, in which case incoming calls are directed directly to the Service Recipient's phone number.
3.7. The Service Recipient agrees that the Service Provider will optionally record incoming calls to the Service Recipients via the Service Provider's phone number, in order to ensure an acceptable level of service and to make sure that the Service Recipient does not conduct sales outside the Website.
- Representation of Products
4.1. In order to sell the Products, the Service Recipient must photograph them using the functionality of the Business Management System or upload the existing photos of the Products to the Business Management System. The Service Recipient can do this manually or using the API (application programming interface) functionality, if possible. The photos must show the specific Product for sale, i.e., they must show what (including the completeness) the Buyer will receive after purchasing the Product shown in the photos. If the condition and completeness of and actual information about the Products purchased by the Buyer do not correspond to the condition and completeness shown in the photos and/or information published in the advertisement, the Service Provider is entitled to transfer the liability for losses resulting from such Order, i.e., delivery costs (specified during the sale of the Product) and return costs (in such a case this amount shall be multiplied by 2 (two)), to the Service Recipient by including them in the Service Fee for the current month.
4.2. When uploading photos of the Products and other information to the Website, the Service Recipient may not display the contact details, logos, company details, and other data that allow to precisely identify the Service Recipient or another legal or natural person without a separate written consent of the Service Provider. If the Service Recipient fails to comply with the requirement of this paragraph, the Service Provider shall have the right not to represent the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the nonconformities specified by the Service Provider have been eliminated.
4.3. The Service Recipient ensures that the photos provided by it will be neat, with plain background, show only the information necessary for the sale of the Product, and shall be taken in an environment/on a background specially adapted for photography. The Service Provider reserves the right not to represent the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the defects, if any, specified by the Service Provider have been eliminated. The Service Provider undertakes to provide only the good samples.
4.4. The Service Recipient must ensure that each Product corresponds exactly to the category assigned to it. It is forbidden to misclassify the categories of Products for sale in order to avoid higher shipping costs or after not being able to find the right category. Failure to comply with this point may result in additional fees from courier services or Service Provider may suspend the representation of the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the Service Recipient eliminates these errors.
4.5. The specified quality of the Products must correspond to the actual condition of the Products. If the Product for sale has obvious faults, damages or other defects, the Service Recipient must select the quality "With defects" for such Product.
4.6. Service providers Website is not intended for new parts listing and sales. The Service Provider reserves the right not to display all the Products of Service Recipient on the website without separate warning until the issues indicated by the Service Provider are eliminated.
4.7. In the event of suspicions or an inquiry from state institutions or services regarding the proof of origin or purchase documents of the Products sold by the Service Recipient, the Service Provider reserves the right not to display the Service Recipient's Products on the Website until the circumstances of the inquiry have been clarified and the origin documents of the Products for sale have been provided.
- Order cancellation
5.1. The Service Recipient has the right to cancel the Order if the quality of the Products sold by has changed compared to the moment when it was entered into the Business Management System or, after further clarification with the Buyer, it was determined that the Product does not meet the Buyer’s needs. In any case, the Service Recipient undertakes to make every effort to ensure that all Products sold by it can be transferred to the Buyer. If the number of cancelled Orders exceeds 3 percent in the last thirty (30) days (calculation formula: cancelled Products in the last 30 days due to Service Recipient’s fault / all sold Products in the last 30 days = percentage of cancelled orders), the Service Provider marks that Service Recipient account does not meet minimum requirements and assigns account as “Below Standard” . If the Service Recipient does not improve his status within 90 days, the Service Provider may suspend the representation of the Service Recipient’s Products on the Website until the Service Recipient eliminates the most common reasons for cancellation. If the Service Recipient repeatedly systematically breaches this paragraph, the Service Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement (with no consequences for the Service Provider) by notifying the Service Recipient thereof three (3) business days in advance.
The cancellation reasons listed below are treated as the seller's fault:
- Products not in stock
- The Product was damaged during storage
- Defects were not specified in the ad
- Order cancelled due to inactivity
- Service Recipient status on platform
6.1. The Service Provider assigns a certain status to each Service Recipient, depending on the performance results. The Service Provider is responsible for determining the requirements for each status and indicates the specific results that must be met, informing the Service Recipients 30 days before changing the results requirements.
6.2 The Service Recipient is assigned one of the following statuses:
- Top Seller
- Standard Seller
- Below Standard
6.3. Below are the requirements for each status
Top Seller | Standard | Below Standard | |
Seller Cancel Rate | < 1% | < 3% | > 3% |
Seller Return Rate | < 4% | < 5.5% | > 5.5% |
Orders per month | > 15 | No requirement | No requirement |
Overdue orders | < 10% | No requirement | No requirement |
6.4. The status of the Service Recipient is changed by evaluating the results that the account showed two months ago, if the Service Recipient met the requirements in January, on March 1st. Service Recipient will be given the appropriate status and is informed via email about assigned status or status change.
6.5. Service Recipient status is automatically adjusted from Below Standard to Standard if Service Recipient had low volume cancellations, 1 or less per month, as well as 3 or less returns monthly or has been registered for less than 90 calendar days. As well it will be adjusted if reasons for having Below Standard status on platform is not under Service Recipient control, such as but not limited to:
- Technical issues of Service Provider
- Courier service issues
6.6. The Top Seller status is granted to the Service Recipient only after meeting all the requirements, while the Below Standard status is assigned if the Service Recipient exceeds at least one of the specified indicators.
Annex 4 to the Agreement
Data Transfer Agreement
WHEREAS, in the course of the performance of the Agreement, the Parties shall periodically transfer personal data to each other and both shall be data controllers, the Parties have agreed on the following conditions for the use of the data.
- Personal data that shall be transferred during the performance of the Agreement: Buyer’s name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, and address, payment method, Order value and time, invoice number, Order date, postcode, sticker creation date and user, consignment number, return number (if different from Order number), VAT invoice details, additional information from the Comments and Recipient’s Comments sections, contact details of the responsible persons appointed by the Parties. Personal data shall be processed (provided and received) in accordance with Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR (lawful processing) in order to properly perform the Agreement and the sale and purchase agreement concluded with the Buyer.
- Each Party shall at all times comply with and ensure that all data controllers appointed by it comply at all times with all data protection legislation governing the processing of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”)[1] and the interpretations of the supervisory authorities.
- The disclosing Party confirms that:
(a) personal data are collected, processed, and transferred in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.
(b) it shall respond as promptly and as detailed as possible to inquiries received from data subjects and data protection authorities regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the receiving party and shall provide the information available to the disclosing party if the receiving party is unwilling or unable to respond.
- The receiving party must respond as soon as possible to inquiries received from data subjects and data protection authorities regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the receiving party. The receiving Party confirms that:
(a) it shall implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures ensuring an adequate level of security by taking into account the nature of the data and the risks involved in their processing.
(b) it will process the personal data only for the purposes specified in this Annex.
(c) it will process the personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the requirements of supervisory authorities.
- The Parties agree that they will disclose to each other and otherwise process personal data only for the following purposes and under at least one of the conditions for lawful processing specified in Article 6(1) of the GDPR:
- performance of the Agreement.
- exercise and defence of rights.
- internal administration carried out by both Parties.
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- compliance with internal procedures and accounting requirements; and
- cooperation with public authorities or regulators carrying out investigations.
- In the event of a data breach, a written notification (prepared in accordance with the GDPR requirements) of the data breach must be submitted to the other Party immediately (in any case no later than 36 hours after becoming aware of the breach).
- The Party affected by the data breach shall provide, at its own expense, all assistance that is reasonably necessary to enable the other Party to fulfill its legal obligations related to the breach.
- The Parties agree that each Party shall be responsible for the compliance of its personal data processing activities with the personal data processing principles set out in Article 5 of the GDPR and for ensuring the security of personal data.
- The Parties shall provide and receive personal data via the Business Management System.
[1]Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
Annex to the contract no. 5
Additional equipment
- Transfer of equipment
The Service Provider may rent and transfer additional equipment to the Service Recipient, the successful delivery of the equipment by a courier service or a letter of transfer is considered to be valid confirmation of the transfer.
1.1. The Service Recipient must use the equipment and control its use only according to the purpose for which it is intended according to the instructions for use of the equipment.
1.2. The Service Recipient must immediately inform the Service Provider in case of any equipment damage, theft, loss or destruction. In case of loss of equipment, a one-time fee is applied depending on the set of equipment used.
1.3. The Service Recipient must return the equipment to the Service Provider in the same condition as it was at the time of transfer after the end of the equipment rental period or after deciding not to use the equipment. If it turns out that the returned equipment is damaged, the Service Provider transfers the cost of the equipment repair to the Service Recipient.
- Printer attachment "PrintHUB"
2.1 The printer hub is designed to solve the function of remote printing of product labels and can be rented to the Service Recipient for an unlimited period.
2.2. The rental price of the printer attachment is EUR 10 excluding VAT/month. The fee is included in your monthly utility bill. The fee starts to be applied from the current month when the equipment is delivered by a courier service or delivered with a letter of transfer.
2.3. In case of loss or damage of the printer attachment, a one-time equipment fee of EUR 249 excluding VAT is applied to the Service Recipient.
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