Listing creation process could be initiated from "Inactive listings" page.
All your SaaS parts will appear there after integration activation.
Using this page you can do several actions:
View part which was uploaded to SaaS by pressing “View part” button.
- Crete listing in Allegro
Remove listing from page if you are not willing to sell it within this integration
You can use filtering to help manage your listings:
- Filter by category of part
- Filter by car
- Sort parts by creation date
- Filter parts which errored and where not added to Allegro
Create listing
Most of the information is pre-filled when creating a listing to Allegro
Listing name by Allegro rules should not contain more than 50 symbols, in some rare cases you might need to correct it
- You can use description template or create description from scratch
Check and ensure if everything is displayed correctly it will help your listing to appear in better position of Allegro search
Ensure that Shipping, warranty and return policies are filled in Allegro account, so they would appear in our listing creation form too
When any of mandatory fields are filled in incorrect way, you will get error message and needs to provide proper filling to field.
- If listing got some errors, you will see them next time by opening it, as a reminder on what was missing, also you will see date of those errors appearance
After successful listing upload customer will see success message and until sold his listing will be transfered to Active listings page
Create listing to Allegro in Part page
You can also add listing to Allegro using Part page in SaaS
- When part will be added to Allegro, you can press this button to be redirected to Allegro and see part which you uploaded
- When part will be sold in Allegro or Ovoko, you can press this button and you will be redirected to Allegro to see that part is turned-off and marked as sold.
Use created Description template
When Description template is created - you can use it in listing creation
In listing creation window you will see field where your created template is chosen.
Remember: you can always change pre-selected template to blank one and fill all information by yourself!
Important: Created template can’t be edited during listing creation procedure, if you want to do that, please come back to Description templates page and do changes there.
When all information is checked - just list it!
Active listings
In this page you can see all published listings
- you can review listings in Allegro by pressing Review listing button
- you can edit and update listing information
In this page listings are shown until they become sold and arrive to Allegro orders page.
Errored listings
When listing is being added, due to multiple reasons it could get some Errors from system or Allegro side. For such listings to be more visible, visual changes are applyed.
1. Listing is highlighted by light red color in Inactive listings page
2. In Part page near Allegro button Error is highlighted
3. On top of Inactive listings page there is a possibility to mark checkbox and filter out all Errored listings
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