- You need to have registered business account on Allegro
- If you have standard account, you can change it status using these instructions
- Login to your SaaS account
- In menu navigate to Allegro Integration > Allegro Settings
- Press "Connect Allegro account" button and you will be redirected to Allegro page
- Grant access for Allegro to connect to your SaaS account
- You are ready to go!
After account is connected you can fill in required information in Allegro settings page, this data will be used for listing creation and pre-fill part of the fields.
Important! If you added wrong Allegro account to your SaaS - press red button on right corner of your integration Settings, your account will be disconnected and you will be able to add right one.
Under settings you will also see: Warranty period, Return rules, Delivery price list, Warranty rules
These items are pre-filled with information which you need to add in your Allegro account, so do that before you start sales!
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