Start using with your SaaS account
Ovoko offers you possibility to connect your Fakturownia invoicing tool with your SaaS.
Generate & sent debit and credit invoices automatically and save your precious time! How does it work? Here we go, just read instructions provided below.
How to connect Fakturownia account
To connect your Fakturownia account you need to provide current details in our settings page, these details could be found by logging in into your account.
Video instruction
1. API Token
2. Account name
3. You need to enter them into following form of your SaaS account
4. After you successfully connect your account - more settings for better visibility will be provided
You can see couple of mandatory fields there:
- Company Name -> you need to select company with which our settings will be associated, in the list you will see all companies which are created under your Fakturownia account. In the Fakturownia itself companies list which could be edited can be found here: Settings -> Company / department.
- API Token - this is what you entered during first step on connecting SaaS with Fakturownia
- Account name - your business domain taken from Fakturownia settings
By default - you can see the ticks added that - your integration with Fakturownia is enabled
- You can also mark as default - Invoice delivery automation - Invoices generated after order recieved will be automatically sent to buyer
If you want to deduct quantity of items, but not the price during generation of credit invoices, please mark additional setting. When setting is not needed anymore, please unmark it and 'save' your changes.
If you want to turn off Fakturownia invoice generation, please untick 'Enable Fakturownia invoice generation'
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